Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007

international friendly

These are the countries the KölscheKicker team have visited/hosted yet. We are interested in offering an interesting match weekly in our stadium Fussball-Tempel. Please challenge us if you are interested. It's up to you if we play a regular or a cup game...

Aqui puedes ver los paises que ya han visitado a los KölscheKicker. Cada semana intentamos a presentar partidos interesantos para nuestros aficiniados en nuestro estadio Fussball-Tempel. Por favor, elige nuestro equipo, si estas interesado! Puedes decidir si jugamos con reglas normales o reglas de copa...

Dies sind die Länder, gegen welche die KölschenKicker schon gespielt haben. Wir versuchen unseren Fans wöchentlich interessante Spiele in unserem Fussball-Tempel anzubieten. Bitte fordere uns heraus, wenn du interessiert bist! Du kannst entscheiden, ob wir ein nach normalen Regeln oder nach Pokalregeln spielen werden...

Thanks and good luck!

Coolness score based on countries currently visited: 17496.6 (36 countries)
Countries visited: at ba be bo ca cl cn co cy de es fr gr hk hr hu id ie il ir it kr mk mt my oc? pe py sco sg sk th ua uk uy ve
The coolest country you have visited is Thailand, which is responsible for 8.5% of your total score.

Coolness score based on countries currently hosted: 3807.9 (29 countries)
Countries hosted: ar be bg br ch co cy cz de dk ee es fi it lt lv mx nl no oc? pl pt ro rs ru se si tr us
The coolest country you have hosted is Cyprus, which is responsible for 34.4% of your total score.

Your average coolness is 486; this puts you on or below Indonesia.
Your efficiency ratio is 1.9% (Coolness ratio is 17496.6 out of 919399.72 possible with 36 countries).
For home matches, Your average coolness is 131; this puts you on or below Bulgaria.
Your efficiency ratio at home is 0.4% (Coolness ratio is 3807.9 out of 855619.36 possible with 29 countries hosted).
The sum of all scores is 1026274.18; currently, your score is 1.7% of this sum for away matches and 0.4% for home matches.

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